
Let’s now run a statistical test!

Given our research question, which should we run? A one-sample or a two-sample (independent) t-test? why?

Let’s calculate t manually first

t = ____

Once we have t, we can also retrieve the corresponding p-value, right?

pt(t=___, df=___, lower.tail=_) # this is going to be the one-tailed p-value, how to I get the two-tailed p-value?

Then, we can use the t.test function to prove ourselves we grasped the calculations under the hood.

t.test(dv ~ iv, data=___, alternative.hypothesis="_____") # let's look at the help and see how the function works!

Finally, Let’s calculate the standardized effect size (Cohen’s d)?

d = 

Remember that we could retrieve d directly from our t to.

d.fromt = abs(t)*sqrt(2/nrow(spiderData))